March 12, 2009

Where am I?

So just in case you have wondered where I have been, work. This time of year is crazy for me! I run like you would not believe and my blog pays the price. I always have good intentions. I take lots of pictures for posts but the posts never get written. I had a great one for Wordless Wednesday but now it will have to wait till next week. I got pictures of everything blooming and was going to blog about spring and wouldn't you know it... it snowed today!!! Crazy Oklahoma weather. I am still reading all your blogs and following along but by the time I get there I am to tired to post.

Totally brain dead! Cant think of one thing. Know what I mean.

I will still be around. Just a little slower these days. Help me out by asking some questions. Lets start with a get to know me section of the blog. Maybe this can help me come out of my funk. Nothing off limits, ask anything! ;0p


  1. I don't have a question, but I do have an award for you! Head on over to my blog and pick it up! :-)

  2. I schedule my posts in advance. I sit down and do 2-4 posts at a time. Blogger lets you schedule. That's why all of my posts post at 12:01 am and they used to post at 4:00 am.
