Like many of you I have been tagged a million times with 25 Random Things About Me on Facebook. I have seen a lot of you blog about it and thought I would do the same. Why not? I have learned a little more about you so here is a little bit more about me.
1. I am in love with Patric Swayze. I would still leave my husband today if Swayze showed up on my door step. My hubby knows all about it and gives me a hard time but is a great sport.
2. I love to scrapbook and make my own cards. Although since I have small children I do not get to do it much these days. I love to send homemade cards though. It just makes it that much more special.
3. I am not a natural blonde. Shhhhh! Don't tell!
4. I am a landscaper. Yep a woman in a mans world and I get treated like it too. When people find out that a girl is coming to look at their yards they always ask, "Oh,
your coming? Will anybody be coming with you?" No they will not. I can do just fine by myself.
5. Although I am a landscaper I can not keep plants alive. I guess I should say I choose not to keep plants alive. I walk by them knowing they need water yet I always say to myself "Man I need to water that." It always ends up being to late when I get to it.
6. I have been married to husband since I was 19 years old and new I was in love with him from the first kiss. I felt it in my toes. That told me he was the one. Now it will be 10 years this November. Wow time has flown by.
7. I would do anything to just Paris. I french in high school because I was going to go someday. That day has not come yet but I think it would make a good 10 year anniversary trip don't you.
8. My favorite color is purple. It is a little of my girly side although I lean a little more towards tom boy.
9. I am the oldest of four. Only girl, three brothers who are still scared to get in fight with me even though they tower over me. They know!
10. I am the mother of three. Everyone keeps telling me I need one more but I will seriously have a break down. I am not even joking.
11. Chocolate. Do I really need to say anymore?
12. I lost my mother July of 2007. I still feel like a piece of my heart is dead and that I will never recover from it. I miss my best friend.
13. All of my kids have my hair color and my eyes, except Eli has blue eyes. But everyone of them look like Tim. Yet he has dark brown hair and eyes. Funny huh?
14. I have the best mother-in-law. She knows everything and can do everything. She also has a gadget for everything. I am amazed by her all the time. She is what I want to be when I grow up.
15. I played soccer for 15 years. Boy to my knees feel it too. I always know when it is about to rain because my knees start to hurt.
16. I hate to mate socks. Just about nothing more that I spite. I have a sock basket. If you need a pair of socks then you so mate you some in the basket. Or if you are my hubby as long as they are the same length that is good enough.
17. I can write with both my left and right hand. They say that people that can do this think with both sides of their brain. In my case my dad was left handed so I was taught to do it with my left hand. I write mainly right handed but I golf left handed, I kick left footed, I do quit a bit lefty.
18. I can blink one eye at a time. My fam make fun of me for this. I don't even know when I do it. Tim calls me a frog and makes fun of me all the time.
19. I use to model when I was a pre-teen. I really enjoyed but did not realize how much work it was. It taught me a lot though, like how to apply make up and helped me to be a lot more outgoing.
20. I am a loud mouth. I do not realize it but when you are the oldest of four you grow up talking loud just to be heard. I don't realize that I am being loud till Tim shushes me.
21. I am married to the most wonderful and handsome man ever. He has been my side through the really hard times and even though we are so different we are so much alike. He is THE best friend.
22. I love to buy pretty jewelry but never wear it. I try but like I said I am a tom boy so I do not feel comfortable in it. I have a great collection though for my girl friends to borrow all the time.
23. I hate to drive. I don't really know why but I hate it.
24. Although I hate to drive I love road trips. I can't wait to see more of the US. There is so much you can see while traveling by car that you don't see when you fly.
25. I love my God with all my heart. If it was not for him I would not be the happy person that I am today. I owe my life to him. I thank him everyday for my husband, my children and my life that I have been so graciously blessed with....and it gets better everyday!