We attend Lifechurch.TV in Tulsa, OK. Every July he does a series called At The Movies. It is where he takes movies over the last year and puts scripture to it. It is so much fun and amazing. It gives you real perspective. It always boost our attendance (which is already crazy). This last weekend we had 2500 people attend. We had to add another service at 1:00. That makes 7 now.
When we do the series they always decorate the church in a movie theme. This years theme is Indiana Jones. It is so cool with a real water fall and everything. They give out candy, pop and popcorn. Unfortunately, the at the movie series can not be seen online because of copyright issues but I recommend coming and seeing it sometime. And you don't have to wait till at the movies. Lifechurch is always amazing. It has changed our lives.
Underneath the big ball is the entrance to the church. To the right of that is the water fall. I don't know why I didn't get a picture of that. Well, yeah I do. Tim gets embarrassed when I pull out the camera. I took some video of our praise and worship but I cant get it to load on here. It embarrassed him to death. He is just going to have to get use to it.
He'll get used to it. His brother did. Then, he'll start recommending shots to take.